Collegium Wikia

Revolution“: the idea/ideal that A Influences (and by extension, B Influences as well) can be “broken” rather than transcended or undone. Mouravieff takes pains to explain that “The Great Game” means that A Influences are legitimate, & that they can only be overcome through purity of heart (forgive your enemies, turn the other cheek, etc., all of which has esoteric meaning as well). It is not possible to defeat Satan by reifying Evil as Authority, and attacking Authority. Saint Paul concurs: “the weapons of our warfare are spiritual, not physical”. “Love the brotherhood, Fear God, Honor the King”.[1]

"The world has been in a state of permanent revolution forever."[]

from Clement Maria Hofbauer:

Almost as a postscript to the heavenly warning issued at Fatima in 1917, Saint Maximilian Kolbe, two years later, reviewed the three Great Evils of the latter times, noting: “In 1517, the Protestants rebelled against the Church; in 1717, the Freemasons rebelled against Christ; and, in 1917, the Communists rebelled against God.”[2]

In a single sentence the Polish martyr had exposed common origin and natural succession of each of these Apocalyptic nightmares.

"Technology is in a state of permanent revolution."[]

The British empirical revolution. Then the French (Rousseau's Moral Literary), German (Kant's secular theological), Jewish(Pseudoscientific: Boas, Marx, Freud, Adorno), French again (Postmodern, Derrida, Foucault), and now Muslim(Fundamentalist) Counter Revolutions.

— Curt Doolittle, Aug 2019

for Marx, "permanent revolution" involves a revolutionary class (in this case, the bourgeoisie) continuing to push for, and achieve, its interests despite the political dominance of actors with opposing interests. Trotsky put forward his conception of "permanent revolution" as an explanation of how socialist revolutions could occur in societies that had not achieved advanced capitalism. Part of his theory is the supposed impossibility of "socialism in one country". 

Capital revolutionizes itself more thoroughly than any extrinsic ‘revolution’ possibly could. If subsequent history has not vindicated this point beyond all question, it has at least simulated such a vindication, to a maddening degree. [Nick Land m17]


Movement; Politics; Liberalism; Leftism; Dialectics; Utopianism; Human alteration; Social change; Technology

The Revolution and progress

Progress; New Man 


  1. «Tradition & the General Law» Posted on 2012-06-16 by Logres., r. 11 June, 2020.
  2. Saint Maximilian Kolbe.

